Blade is a smooth and charming, visually stunning and very malleable and flexible
Our China office was established in Hangzhou, Zhejiang in 2000. After 5 years, we moved to the graceful island (Amoy) Xiamen, Fujian, and set up our full foreign capital company named ESAP (XIAMEN) IMPORT & EXPORT CO., LTD.
Considering, that we have reliable, long-term business relations with public-owned big enterprises, which is a key point to achieve an important role in the Chinese market.
The initial goal of the company and starting point of our business consolidation was to manage the export of seafood products from China to the whole world as well as to import live lobsters from South Africa and Patagonia Tooth fish from Reunion Island to the Chinese market. In 2013 we have successfully established a seafood cooperation with one of the biggest seafood American players named PANAPESCA USA, giving us more professional know-how on the U.S. seafood market.
In addition to the seafood business, in 2005, we started our wood flooring business, focus is up to now the regular export of a wide range of wood species as teak and oak wood flooring. This has made us one of the main Chinese providers of the national sales business in Italy and other European regions.
Since 2010 we provide quality control and business development services between China and our international customers not only for seafood and wood floors products but also for further sectors such as wood construction material, stones, and clothing.
Professional & executive services
Regulatory and administrative areas
Real estate investment trusts in Europe
Public projects & procurement released
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02 Febbraio, 2022Proin gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquet. Aenean sollicitudin, lore...
02 Febbraio, 2022Proin gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquet. Aenean sollicitudin, lore...
15 Febbraio, 2022